A miniature object theatre

  • 2015

In a setting of 40 by 30 centimetres in which objects predominate, we see the musings of a lonely man. Inspired by A Thief’s Journal, a novel by Jean Genet about the dark side of existence, Erin Tjin A Ton and Gosia Kaczmarek adopted the loneliness of the protagonist as their motive for The Journal. As the protagonist becomes quieter and lonelier, the objects around him come alive and start dancing.


Design & performance: Erin Tjin A Ton & Gosia Kaczmarek
Theatre director: Anna Verduin
Sound design: Ernst Walgenbach
Trailer camera & editing: Thomas Ravestein


‘Klein maar fijn en best zielig’ by E. Nederkoorn in Dagblad van het Noorden
‘Theatrale kijkdoos van vakknutselaars’ by B.Cnossen in Theaterkrant