A theatrical installation inspired by Franz Kafka, made entirely of paper

  • 2017

The phone is ringing non-stop. Letters are piling up. Files are untraceable... How can you achieve something if you don't know what the purpose is? In Paperwork, BetweenTwoHands builds a paper refuge for Franz Kafka: the office clerk who wrote literary fiction to escape his oppressing reality at night. Kafka’s world of thoughts between court letters and fantastic masterpieces is transformed into paper objects. With one single fold, a world can appear or disappear.

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  • • Reflecting the absurdity of bureaucratic life, Paperwork immerses the audience in a fictional office setting where two ‘office workers’ repetitively go through their daily routines in a seemingly endless loop that repeats every 18 minutes.

  • • The entire installation is constructed from paper, reflecting the vulnerability of Kafka’s protagonists whilst referring to all the paperwork involved in bureaucracy. Transforming from flat sheets to sculptural mini-worlds, paper envelopes and folders become a means of imaginative refuge from a surreal and cyclical office existence.


Concept, design & performance: Erin Tjin A Ton & Gosia Kaczmarek
Theatre director: Anna Verduin
Animations & shadow puppets: Klaske Oenema
Sound design: Marcel de Rooij
Cameraman & editor: Ruben Pest
Photographer: Nick van Tiem
Photographer at Over het IJ Festival: Tudor Bratu
Graphic design: Mariusz Kaczmarek


‘Onderzoekend werk van BetweenTwoHands’ interview by M. van Ditzhuyzen in Wereld van het poppenspel
‘Canadese poppentheaterprijs voor BetweenTwoHands’ by J. Beeckmans in Theaterkrant
‘Een magische papieren kantoorwereld tijdens Pop Arts Festival’ by B. Cnossen in Theaterkrant
‘Ruth van der Steenoven award voor BetweenTwoHands’ by J.Beeckmans in Theaterkrant